Sunday, October 25

I put the neato incognito.

Hey! What's this? More photos? Yep. And no descriptions, as I haven't figured out how to do that efficiently, yet. But I will tell you that there are a few pictures here of the Love River area, of the Cheng-Cing Lake area (where my friend Ash lives), and of other things I've been to see or watch. The picture of me standing with other people has the following people in it: Ash, a friend and another teacher, his wife, Fong, his son, Marley, and my other friend who's come here at the same time as me, Andrew--he's come from Canada. Cheers.

OH! And you'll notice that there's an exit sign towards the end of the slideshow. That's the Mandarin phrase of the friggin' day. The four characters (in order) mean "tight", "rush", "exit", and "door". I bet you know what that means, all together...

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