It's settled, I'm leaving for New Orleans on the 12th, returning on the 18th via Jet Blue. I'm going to work via
I still need a sleeping bag, though. Please, if anyone has one that I could borrow and you're reading this on tuesday, give me a ring! I'd be eternally grateful and repay you with cookies and undying love. Also, if you want to come with me, I'd be honored.
wish i had break then so i could go with you!! you're going to absolutely love common ground. call me if you want to hear a little bit about how they run...
I have your sleeping bag, from your first Falcon Ridge adventure. It's in my closet. It's one of Willy's prefered napping spots.
However, I have no way to get it to you by the 12th...but you are welcome to it when you/I get a chance.
I have your sleeping bag, from your first Falcon Ridge adventure. You left it here. It's in my closet. One of Willy's preferred napping spots, I might add.
However, I don't believe I'll be able to get it to you by the 12th...but you're welcome to it when you (or I) get a chance.
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